Amelia-Ann Beatrix Fox

I have set up this blog to record the progress of my daughter, Amelia-Ann (Milly) for all who know and love her to share online.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Sunday 21st January

I went walking in Nuneaton in my new Winnie-the-Pooh hat and gloves. I had a chewy sweet in one picture, then I fell over and got mud on my head when my hat fell off!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sunday 14th January

I went with my Mummy to an event and I got to wear the crown!

Monday, January 15, 2007


I was playing on the floor rolling myself up in my baby blanket today and I looked so sweet that Mummy couldn't resist taking some photographs.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Book Crawl Certificate

I have been doing the Book Crawl at the library so when I take my books back every week I get a sticker and when my card is full I get a certificate. Today I only had one space left so I knew when I got there I was going to get my last sticker and be able to get my certificate. I was excited at home with my books and chose my certificate at the library. Mummy is going to laminate it for me and put it in a folder that we are going to call, 'Amelia-Ann's Acheivements' and add things to it as I acheive things. They also gave me a little bag with crayons, pictures to colour and details of other things we can do at the library.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New York

My brother and his girlfriend went to New York over the New Year and they brought me back lots of New York gifts, including a Pumba from The Lion King as they went to see the show on Broadway.